Career History

Hotel Buena Vista, Alpico Group

Sept 2016 – Dec 2016


To get a better insight in the Japanese working culture and improve my business language, I did an internship at Hotel Buena Vista in Nagano, Japan. During my internship, I worked in all sectors of the hotel, bell service, front desk, reservations, restaurant, PR & marketing and management.

Matsumoto, Nagano, Japan

WMC (World Music Contest)

July 2013 & July 2017

Volunteer - Translator, Steward

Acted as a steward for a few Japanese orchestra during the WMC. As a steward, I had to translate, solve problems, answer questions, prepare press accreditation, create travel schedules, etc.

Kerkrade, Limburg, The Netherlands

Van Oordt BV

Oct 2012 – Jan 2019

Part-time - Quality Employee

Cleaning machines in the factory on Saturdays.

Landgraaf, Limburg, The Netherlands

Berner Products

Aug 2010 – Mar 2019

Part-time - Logistics Employee

I worked as a part-timer as a warehouse employee. Some activities are order picking, packing orders and register incoming goods.

Landgraaf, Limburg, The Netherlands


Shinshu University

Aug 2014 – Feb 2015

Exchange Program - Japanese Language and Culture

Studied for half a year at a Japanese University. I studied Japanese language, Japanese culture and Japanese sports.

Matsumoto, Nagano, Japan

Zuyd University

Sep 2011 - July 2017

Bachelor of International Communication

Oriental Language and Communication

Besides the language Japanese, I also studied Marketing, Public Relations, Intercultural Communication and Analyse & Consult.

Maastricht, Limburg, The Netherlands

Charlemagne College

Sep 2005 - July 2011

Highschool - HAVO (Nature/Health)

I graduated highschool, where I had a wonderful time. Learned many things and made wonderful friends. During my third year I developed an interest for Japan. This interest eventually paved the rest of my future.

Landgraaf, Limburg, The Netherlands

Personal History

Lars was born in the hills of Limburg within the realm of The Netherlands during the spring of 1993. He is the youngest of three, with one sister and one brother. In his earlier years of life, Lars had a humble life. Playing with friends, learning at school and receiving love from his family. Until high school nothing of great importance happens. He plays as a striker for the local hockey team and learns to play the piano and saxophone. While attending high school, an important happening occurs. During his third year, Lars develops a deep interest for the country of Japan. This interest causes him to study Japanese linguistics at Zuyd University. All of this time, he was helped and supported by his family and friends.

Family Tree

His solo adventure would start in 2014. At first his sister would accompany him to the land in the far east, Japan, but his sister would eventually return to the Netherlands. During his time alone, Lars decided to enrol at Shinshu University in Matsumoto, high in the mountains of Nagano. Here he studied more about the Japanese language and culture. From the small hills of Limburg to the high mountains of Nagano, Lars thought he had seen all beauty in the world. But then he met the love of his life, Ayaka. She would support Lars during his internship and remainder of his study of the Japanese language.

In 2018 the two were promised to each other by engagement. And one year later they would be wed in Japan among family and friends. With the marriage, Lars improved the relationship between The Netherlands and Japan. So as a sort of ambassador, he and his wife created the crest of the Golden Rabbit, representing a family branch of the Frusch dynasty. The rabbit was chosen as it is native to Limburg and it lives inside the ground, which is a connection to the family name of his wife. The colours mean Loyalty (Blue), Wisdom (Gold) and Strength (Red). This crest will play some important roles in the future of the world.

Family Crest

While much of Lars story has not been written yet, you can be certain to hear much more of him in the future.